Practical information
The price includes a self-guided visit of the monument and the exhibition.
Individuals - full price : €10 / €6*
Individuals - reduced price : €6 / €3*
(* The price varies depending on the exhibition)
The reduced rate applies:
- when the exhibition rooms are closed
- on Saturdays, from mid-April to mid-October, when the church is reserved and closed to visits
Holiday checks are not accepted
Eligible for the reduced rate : children ages 6 to 18, job seekers (with valid documentation), students (with a valid student ID), disabled guests (with valid documentation), groups of 10 people minimum.
Free entry :
- Children under 6
- Members of the "Friends of Prémontrés" association
- Pro Tourisme card
- Residents of Pont-à-Mousson (when there is no exhibition)
Guided tour of the monument
Rate : 95€
Free for schools
-> booking in advance with the reception desk
Guided tour of an exhibition
Individuals: see the description of the exhibition
Groups: booking in advance with Marisa Defonte